I’ll try to get off this subject, but I am still in shock mode.
Because it is largely church people who have gotten us into this pickle.
I have been a pastor for 43 years. I love the church. But the church is deeply divided.
We Methodists know this. A large chunk of our denomination left about a year ago so that they could continue to mistreat gay people.
And now, after the election, it seems clear that many Christians simply do not know right from wrong. They can’t tell a lie from the truth.
They can’t tell a cruel and oppressive person from a decent person.
Many Christians seem to lack any firm ethical standards rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
They don’t seem to know that core scripture in the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:38-42.
I call it “core” because the understanding of God here is the foundation on which Jesus builds the rest of His teachings.
Here, Jesus tells us that we are to love others, even if they do not love us.
He tells us that there is no room for retribution in our lives.
So, why would a follower of Christ also support the Leader of the Dark Side? He is all about retribution. He is consumed with it.
This is obvious.
It is not hidden.
I can only assume these Christians like the idea of vengeance.
Which means they don’t much like Jesus.
You know—you can help balance out this picture. The church needs more people who will work for love and peace in our world. Take a stand.
Our service is at 11:00.