Friday’s Word – “There’s a Problem Here”

I’ll try to get off this subject, but I am still in shock mode.

Because it is largely church people who have gotten us into this pickle.

I have been a pastor for 43 years. I love the church. But the church is deeply divided.

We Methodists know this. A large chunk of our denomination left about a year ago so that they could continue to mistreat gay people.

And now, after the election, it seems clear that many Christians simply do not know right from wrong. They can’t tell a lie from the truth.

They can’t tell a cruel and oppressive person from a decent person.

Many Christians seem to lack any firm ethical standards rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They don’t seem to know that core scripture in the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:38-42.

I call it “core” because the understanding of God here is the foundation on which Jesus builds the rest of His teachings.

Here, Jesus tells us that we are to love others, even if they do not love us.

He tells us that there is no room for retribution in our lives.

So, why would a follower of Christ also support the Leader of the Dark Side? He is all about retribution. He is consumed with it.

This is obvious.

It is not hidden.

I can only assume these Christians like the idea of vengeance.

Which means they don’t much like Jesus.

You know—you can help balance out this picture. The church needs more people who will work for love and peace in our world. Take a stand.

Our service is at 11:00.

Max’s Corner

A Great Service

Rev. Beverly Tye is a powerful preacher. Edward Hjorth, who watches from home, called Monday morning to say how much he enjoyed the service. The story of her father was an astounding account of Christian commitment and witness.

The Anthem

The power of the anthem didn’t fully come through on the streamed recording, but the in-house version last week was truly moving. It was an uplifting experience for those in attendance.

Discovering God Class

We are beginning Section Two of Discovering God. In Section One, we explored how people experience God intervening in their lives in this world. In Section Two, we move beyond this world—diving into near-death experiences and encounters with loved ones who have gone before us. Exciting discussions lie ahead!

Time: 9:45 AM. Join anytime! Breakfast follows the class.

Breakfast This Sunday

This Sunday is a “We-Bring Sunday”—which means we need your help! Please bring something to share. Breakfast will be served at 10:30 AM.

Sound Repair

We have turned in a check for $4,900 toward a new soundboard. Our in-house soundboard has stopped working, so we’re using this as an opportunity to relocate Jason Hardy and Robert Lee from the hot attic streaming booth. Our goal is to consolidate in-house sound and internet streaming into one larger board in the booth at the back of the sanctuary.

This project requires modifications to the existing sound booth and the addition of some new cameras. If you would like to contribute, simply designate your gift for “sound.”

This Sunday

Rev. Mary Teague will be preaching this Sunday. See you then!

God Bless, MB

Mary’s Corner

Blessings and peace in the name of the risen Christ!

We had a wonderful service on Sunday. Thank you, Rev. Beverly Tye, for the beautiful message—a great reminder that following Jesus means loving our neighbors, our enemies, and even complete strangers! We are truly blessed to be part of a church family that is open and welcoming—not only to each other but also to those we don’t yet know.

This week, we have much to lift in prayer:

People losing their jobs.

Those losing financial grants that help pay for expensive medications.

Medical researchers whose work depends on these grants.

Prayers for President Zelenskyy, his family, and the people of Ukraine as they endure continued war.

Prayers for President Putin, his family, and the people of Russia, that they may have a Damascus Road experience and come face to face with the risen Christ.

And while we’re praying for hearts to be changed, let’s add all those in Washington, D.C., and leadership roles across the government. Not prayers for perfection, but prayers that the love of Jesus, as shown on the cross, will overwhelm their hearts and minds. Fighting and arguing are distractions. What the world truly needs is leaders focused on what is best for all.

Love to all,

Kids’ News – “The Widow’s Gift”

The temple was busy that day. People were coming and going, placing their offerings into the large collection box. Some of the wealthiest men stepped forward, making sure everyone could see them as they dropped in large amounts of money. Their fine robes shimmered in the sunlight as they stood tall, proud of their gifts.

Then, a woman stepped forward. She wasn’t dressed in fancy clothes, and no one paid much attention to her. She was a widow, and she had very little to give. Carefully, she reached into her pocket and pulled out two tiny coins—all she had left. Without hesitation, she dropped them into the offering box and quietly walked away.

Jesus had been watching. Turning to His disciples, He said, “This poor widow has given more than all the others. They gave from their extra money, but she, in her poverty, gave everything she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4)

Jesus wasn’t focused on how much she gave—He saw her heart. Worshiping God isn’t just about money. We can give our time, our kindness, our talents, and our love. When we give from the heart, even the smallest gift becomes something great.

What We Learned

God cares more about how we give than what we give. Even the smallest gift, when given with love, matters to Him. We can worship God not just with money, but by sharing our time, talents, kindness, and faith with others.

See you in church on Sunday!