….I am not talking abortion here. And I am not talking politics. I am talking relationship between body and soul.
….Legislators are introducing “personhood” bills in some states. These declare that an egg and sperm become a person at the moment of conception. There is a problem with this: It’s wrong.
….These legislators are actually (although inadvertently) agreeing with materialists and atheists who say that all we are is physical material. All that we are, they say, comes from that union of sperm and egg. Our “personhood,” our “self,” all grows out of that physical, material union.
….It doesn’t. Materialists and atheists and these legislators have forgotten the soul. We know some things about the relationship of body and soul from our deepest experiences. The soul does not grow from physical material. The body does. But the soul does not. We know from NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) that the soul is attached to the body but is not identical with it. In an NDE, the soul separates from the body. If a person is revived, the soul returns to the body. We now have millions of accounts that tell us this.
….I think we can be sure that our FIRST entry into flesh is like those re-entries reported by those who have a near-death experience. And Nobel Laureate and brain expert, the late Sir John Eccles, would agree with this. He said, “Each soul is a Divine creation which is implanted into the growing fetus at some time between conception and birth. It is the certainty of the inner core of unique individuality that necessitates the ‘Divine creation.'” He came to this conclusion after a lifetime of studying the workings of the brain.
….Although they would be horrified to realize it, those legislators are working with materialists and atheists to say that we are nothing more than physical material. Their interest is in stopping abortions at all costs. But what they are doing with their “personhood” legislation is denying the reality of the divinely created human soul.
First of all, please do not misunderstand my reason for replying to this blog. I thank God I never had to make that decision, but I know several women who did – not as a convenient birth control method, but in each instance in agony after weighing all options open to her. For a mother-to-be, a fetus is her child from the moment of conception, regardless of whether it has tiny hands and feet or a soul.
Very few situations are perfectly black or white. Each situation must be judged on its own circumstances. To base legislation on when a fetus becomes a person is ludicrous. Pass guidelines based on the mother-to-be’s health and safety as well as whether the child, if delivered, would be developed enough to live a normal, healthy life, yes. Stop abortions completely, no. Does anyone have the right to force a woman to continue a pregnancy or turn to a whack-doctor or her own devices to terminate that pregnancy, putting her own life in jeopardy?
Unfortunately, no matter the reason, timing, or legality of performing an abortion, a woman who must make that decision will make her choice based on her situation and circumstances, no matter what she must do to make that choice viable. In most instances, that decision will become a permenant part of her consciousness the remainder of her life. Statistics have proved that the same number of abortions are performed whether legal or illegal. In my opinion and after conducting extensive research, I would much rather have abortions legalized to keep women away from the clothes hangers, broken bottles and other life-threatening solutions. Only until a person is personally forced to make or be a part of such a profound decision will that person truly understand.