Vacation Bible School is Next Week!

Vacation Bible School

It’s Vacation Bible School time at Saint Matthew UMC! The theme this year is “Everywhere Fun Fair: Where God’s World Comes Together”.

Each session the children will hear and understand about God’s welcoming love; how to be a neighbor to others; and experience biblical examples for their lives today from these Bible stories:

  • Session 1: Sarah & Abraham Welcome the Visitors
  • Session 2: A Widow Gives Cheerfully
  • Session 3: Good Samaritan – A Bold Neighbor
  • Session 4: Jesus Forgives Zaccheus

We are also going to explore different areas of our world to emphasize our neighbors are everywhere.

Vacation Bible School runs nightly July 29 to August 2 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm.

Thank you so much for your prayers, gifts and support for a great VBS this summer!