Mary’s Corner

Good Monday to all! I have listened again to the sermon from Sunday. I always “re-listen” to the sermons looking for areas that need to be made more understandable, looking for points that I feel need to be repeated in the newsletter, and looking at the weird things I do while I am preaching! 

These are my takeaways from the sermon, Ego vs Spirit:

1. Ego and spirit are not in a battle against each other. Ego and spirit co-exist.

2. Living in the spirit requires work: contemplation, having a sacred space, intentional connection of our spirit to THE SPIRIT.

3. I lick my lips A LOT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I will be wearing ChapStick from now on! And drinking lots of water before the service.

I had such a wonderful time with all of you yesterday. Your love and the joy I see on your faces make my life a happy place to live. The music in our services makes my spirit soar. We are so very blessed with a skilled and passionate organist and with two exceptional vocalists. We are small but we are mighty with the Spirit!

Spend time this week contemplating the love of the Creator of the universes, sent to us as God made flesh in the body of Jesus. We are forgiven, we are eternally beloved. Pray for each other, especially those experiencing health problems and grief this week.

My love to all, Mary