Mary returns and Mary preaches.
Blake is still in England.
Rev. Bob and Mary Weathers are on vacation several hundred miles away. They will be back after one more week.
Blake is in England—singing. I think.
We will find out all about it when he gets back.
My sister, Jackie, will start her study of interesting NDEs in a few weeks. She has to get through kidney stone removal first. (That day surgery is coming soon.)
Madelyn Gonzalez will celebrate her “Fifteenth” in a service at St. Matthew this Saturday, followed by a celebration in our fellowship hall. Madelyn is the daughter of Laura Lopez and granddaughter of Jose and Liz Lopez, long-time members of St. Matthew. I will lead the service. We pray that this will be a great day for Madelyn.
I have a friend of over 50 years who is seriously ill and not expected to live. Thomas Coker is a former student, a former member of a youth group I worked with, and a beloved friend. He is in my prayers.
We are enjoying breakfast every Sunday—thanks to Winston Detrick-Kirkpatric—and the beautiful flowers on the altar each week. This Sunday, there will be a donation box for breakfast. (My idea.) No one has to put anything in, but some of us will do so to help fund the project. It is really great to have breakfast waiting for us at church.
Starting soon, we will have a Flower Calendar out so that any who want to can “sponsor” the flowers for a given Sunday in memory or in honor of someone we love—perhaps on a birthday or as a memorial of someone’s passing. We will have a card in the pews for folks to fill out to reserve a Sunday. We can give a gift of any size to cover the flowers for that day.
See you at breakfast.