Friday’s Word

How many people are truly evidence-driven?

Let me suggest a test.

Consider the Shroud of Turin. This old piece of cloth may be the single most important object in the world.

If it is authentic, Jesus was raised from the dead. And that’s a big deal. This event would establish the spiritual and philosophical foundation for all our thinking. It would affirm the reality of God as proclaimed by Jesus.

Now consider this: There have been many efforts to reproduce the Shroud—and all have failed—miserably.

With the most advanced computer technology, an image like that on the Shroud remains beyond reach. Think about it!

You know what we can do now. With AI, we can show FDR giving a speech he never made. There could be a new movie starring Bette Davis 34 years after she died.

(I wish someone would make that. Loved Bette Davis!)

Some folks are afraid AI may rule the world.

But it cannot—and never will be able to–reproduce the image on the Shroud.

There’s only one way to make that image.

You must crucify a man exactly the way the Romans did. And then you must get God to resurrect that crucified man.

That’s the only way.

I know the Shroud was carbon-dated to the Middle Ages. But a lesser-known carbon dating and three other dating methods place it in the time of Christ.

Everyone who is truly a thinking person, driven by evidence, must come to terms with the Shroud.
You can run from it. You can hide. But the Shroud will tell its story.

Can you face reality?

Max’s Corner

Sermon: “Two Words to Live By”
Scripture: Matthew 6:34


Special service last week. Mary had a fine sermon and Shannon’s dad, and two uncles, lifted us up.

If you missed it—just don’t do it again.

Did you get to breakfast?

You must have.

All the donuts were gone by the time I got there.

Every week before worship. Don’t forget it! Good food and a bit of fellowship.

I wrote about the Shroud in Friday’s Word because there are too many people who run from reality. All the evidence is on the side of Jesus.

And in the sermon this Sunday, we will meet the God Jesus told us about—the God who knows what we are going through and who seeks to lift our burdens and assure us that things will be OK.

(Yes, we will open with a song our trio sang last week— “Blessed Assurance.”)

I love the story I will share with you this Sunday.

It has lifted me.

I think Blake is still traveling in Europe.

Shannon will be back, I believe.

What about you?

Come to worship.

If you haven’t been for a while—surprise me!

I look forward to seeing you.

Mary’s Corner

Dearest Church and friends,

I do not know how we have been so very blessed to hear the kind of music we have heard from the Davidson family and from Blake Glass! I could listen for hours, and I have been humming “Blessed Assurance” since Sunday. These performances have been pure joy for me. I am looking forward to more experiences in the future. For example, we have finally settled on a name for these concerts, “Second Saturday Concerts.”

Our next Second Saturday is August 19th. I will be talking to Blake and Shannon about a plan for this one. Max will perform at our September event and the October and November events are yet to be finalized.

Please tell your friends. These concerts started out as fundraising events, but I have enjoyed them so much that I have completely forgotten everything except the overwhelming happiness I am feeling afterward. I know you feel the same way. Thank you to our performers and to Blake and Shannon for all the hard work it took to become this talented.

Remember this week that God has known your name for all of eternity. There isn’t a time when you have not been known and loved by God. Blessings to you all.


Kids’ News

Sunday when we told the kids we were going to talk about Daniel, the kids got very excited and Remi told us about Daniel before Miss Vickie could start the story! The Hebrews were living in a foreign land, surrounded by people who worshiped different gods. These circumstances made remaining faithful to the Living God a challenge.

Some of the king’s advisors were jealous of Daniel and went to King Darius and tricked him into making a law that people should worship him and nobody else. King Darius agreed to their suggestion that anyone that broke the law should be fed to the lions. So, the trap was set! Daniel makes a courageous choice to continue praying to God three times a day in front of an open window just like he had always done. Daniel is reported to the king by his advisors, and even though he tries to find a way out, the king must order Daniel to be thrown into the lion’s den. However, Daniel’s faithfulness is rewarded when God sends an angel to close the mouths of the lions and Daniel escapes harm. The king is so impressed by this demonstration of God’s power that he begins to worship God also and sends out a decree that everyone in the kingdom should worship God. By choosing to be faithful to God and not hide his faith, Daniel set an example for the king and others in the kingdom.

Our Back-to-School Bash is this Friday. We will have a movie and dinner for all our kids starting at 6:00. This includes all our kids—grade school, high school, or college!! Come see us for dinner, movie, and a prize! See you on Friday and again on Sunday for church!

Blessings, Mrs. Sur, and Mrs. Vickie