Max’s Corner

Read Friday’s Word

It’s all about the concert.

That’s all we are pushing this week.

We have to bring the food.

I hope we have a lot of people from beyond the church. But we very much need our people from the church.

After this one, our monthly concerts will always be on the second Saturday.

And we will always need good support from our members. So, if you are able, just make Second Saturday Night a part of your monthly schedule.

Here’s something else important.

We will always have a joyful and uplifting time at these concerts. And they are very important to our church as both a fundraiser and as part of our evangelical outreach. They give people a touch-point for engaging with the church.

We—and we alone—can make sure that any guests that show up see a church comfortably filled.

Let’s give it our best.

And bring something for the dinner if you can.

If you can’t—don’t let that keep you home.

See you Saturday.

And Sunday. (Mary’s preaching.)