Some scientists dismiss religion as myth and nonsense.
They may throw a sop to believers, saying religion is a whole other thing, unrelated to science. So, people can believe in God if it makes them feel good.
But science and religion both seek ultimate reality. And there can be only one ultimate reality, not one for science and one for religion.
If scientific truth and religious truth do not agree, one of them must be wrong. I would never believe a lie because it makes me feel good.
Let’s get real here.
Not only does God exist, God is the ultimate reality for both science and religion.
At the deep level of quantum physics, science and religion begin to merge. Quantum physics and religious experience are doorways to the same transcendent world.
Why is this?
As physicist Bernard Haisch puts it, “God has made all things from himself.” (Let that sink in.)
So, Paul could say, “In him we live and move and have our being.”
We are, then, one with God and one with one another.
And Jesus could say, “Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.”
He meant that literally.
Many Christians fear that science will one day discover something that will prove God does not exist.
But that’s impossible.
Every discovery in science takes us closer to God. It is non-believing scientists who need to fear.
The deeper they dig, the clearer God will become.
Hey! One week away!
Another concert at 6:00 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 19.
Yes, I, too, will sing.