Max’s Corner

Vacation — for a change

I may be dressing a little better in weeks to come.

I buy new clothes only when I go on vacation. (I have to have enough clothes to wear for two weeks.) I haven’t taken a vacation for many years now, so my wardrobe is a bit bedraggled.

But I just bought out the store.

I am about to go on vacation after this Sunday.

Rev. Eric McKinney and Jane have invited us (me, my sister and preacher friend Rev. Meissner) to stay in their cabin in Vermont. They have invited us for three years. We finally said yes.

I will preach this Sunday.

After that, Mary will preach for two weeks.

We have a concert on Saturday, Oct. 14—three days after we get back. It is all planned. Blake and I will be singing.

And, yes, I am reluctant to sing on a program with Blake. Who wants to hear me with Blake there? (I don’t.) But I can’t put the whole concert on him.

So, there you are. We will actually sing together on one old hymn: “Softly and Tenderly.”

On the Sunday after that concert—Oct. 15th —the Rev. Beverly Tye, a part of our church family, will be preaching. She will share her spiritual journey in a sermon called My Walk with God.

So, we’ve got wonderful things coming: Mary, the concert with Blake, then Beverly.

And our choir starts up soon—with some new members.

Isn’t it great to be in church?

And to know that “we are loved, we are forgiven, we are forever.”

See you Sunday.

Mary’s Corner

Hello dear friends,

I am grateful for the cooler weather, even as I drive through my neighborhood and see all the huge trees downed in last week’s storms. With the blessing of lower temperatures, a little rain must fall.😃

COVID is still moving like a snake through our community. I cannot stress enough the importance of wearing a mask if you have any immune system issues or take any medication that suppresses your immune system. WEAR A MASK. And everyone, please wash your hands often, take your vitamins, and stay home if you are sick. A case of mild COVID calls for 10 days of isolation after testing positive. Let’s keep each other safe.

My love to all. I look forward to spending time with you this fall. Mary

Kids’ News

We discussed the wonderful creation of God. We have discussed the creation of different plants and animals that inhabit the earth. In Sunday school, the kids were sure He was happy with His creations; then he created man to care for the earth. What if we took time to really appreciate God’s creations and care for and appreciate the wonders of creation through the eyes of a child? God created people to be different and unique, just like God created the rest of the world. After God had created the garden full of beautiful plants and trees, God realized the garden needed a caretaker, so He created a person named Adam. The animals in the garden were helpful to Adam but God became aware that the garden required more work than Adam could maintain. The next person God created was called “helper.” This reiterates God’s divinity within humanity, and our call to work together, side by side, to care for all of creation. God created another person who could work side by side with Adam. Adam named that person Eve. Eve was created to be a partner to Adam, to be in relationship with him and share equally in caring for the garden and the earth.

God used creativity to create beauty and a world of wonder. Help your children know that they are God’s children and help them to create beauty in the world around them. None of us can do this alone; by working together, we can be creative helpers of God. See you in church Sunday.


2340 – A Bigger Barn Won’t Help

Watch the full service on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

Luke 12:16-21 New International Version

16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’

18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”