Mary’s Corner

Greetings to all of you in the name of the risen Christ! I hope you are experiencing the love and blessings of God as you read this newsletter. Fall is coming this week and I am thankful for a break from the summer temperatures. Fall also brings flu, COVID,  and other inconvenient illnesses to our communities. Remember to take care of yourselves and each other during this time when your immune systems will be challenged. Sleep, healthy meals, hand washing, and avoiding large crowds are vital to maintaining your good health. If you feel sick, please stay home and rest. 

I will be out of town this weekend but will return on November 5th to share the message and vision for the Central Texas Conference of the UMC from Bishop Ruben Saenz. In advance of this message, please think about the following questions: “What does our church do well?” and “What does our church need to do better?” These two questions are part of the process that Bishop Saenz has asked us to work through as we strive to multiply followers of Jesus and to become relevant to the neighborhoods we serve. I am excited to share with you and to move forward in our ministries to this broken world. I pray for all of you continuously, thanking God for your presence in my life. Blessings, Mary