Fire Devastates Eastside Community Assistance Food Pantry

We have been informed that Eastside Community Assistance has suffered a devastating fire in the food pantry section of their building. A full report of damages is pending; however, the fires leaves the Eastside community without a life-saving resource. Saint Matthew UMC is a founding member of this organization along with several other churches in the area. We have supported this ministry for over a decade and will continue in our support for as long as we are able.

Please consider adding additional support at this time if you are able:

We will keep you updated with the progress of the recovery and with other ways to help the most vulnerable in our community.

Friday’s Word

Advent One

Does God intervene in the created order?

Put more simply, does God meddle in our lives?

This, from an ABC report many years ago:

An abusive husband killed his wife and tried to kill his eight-year-old son. The child was stabbed six times but was able to phone 911 for help.

ANTHONY: My dad killed me with a knife, and I am gone.

911: OK, how did that happen if you are talking to me?

ANTHONY: My dad was killing my mom and like, you’re next. And he killed me. But I kind of survived. Can you help?

911: Are you bleeding?

ANTHONY: Uh-huh.

911: Where are you bleeding from?

ANTHONY: From my stomach.

911: Are you there by yourself?

ANTHONY: My mom is dead, and I am the only survivor.

The police found the child covered in blood and rushed him to ICU.

He made a full recovery.

He also made a remarkable claim.

As he lay bleeding, he heard a voice telling him to play dead until his father left.

The child said, “God helped me. He sent his angels. The angels told me to call 911.”

The voice said, “I will save you.”

If all of this is true, we live in a world in which all of us are watched over, cared for.

And from time to time. God is willing to intervene in our lives.

But how does this sit with you? Does this fit your understanding of reality?

Let me know. Send me an e-mail. Does God meddle in our lives?


The Christmas Show

Sat., Dec. 16, 6:00 p.m.

Max’s Corner

Eastside Dinner

If you missed it last year—you don’t have to miss it again. Next week, Ronnie Sullivan’s family is cooking a big enchilada dinner for us as a fundraiser for Eastside Ministries.

This is a great event.

Sign up Sunday.

Check Mary’s Corner for day and time.

First Sunday of Advent

This Sunday.

First of four Sundays.

And this is the way it falls every few years—Advent Four is on Christmas Eve.

So, Sunday morning, Dec. 24, it will be Advent that morning and Christmas Eve that evening.

Yes—it is a Divine Plan designed to get Methodists to go to church on a Sunday evening.

Pomp and Circumstance

Yes, Advent brings with it a little “pomp and circumstance,” as you will note this Sunday morning.

And, by the way—the tree will already be up and decorated and the poinsettias will be in place.

This decorating will begin Saturday morning.

The “Douglas Breakfast” is at 8:30.

(And speaking of breakfast, the Winston Breakfast on Sunday mornings is a joy. Partake of it. 10:30 every week. But do not eat all of the plain glazed donuts before the Senior Pastor gets there!)

Keep this in mind: Both “The Christmas Show” on Saturday, Dec. 16th and the Christmas Eve Service on Sunday the 24th are at 6:00 p.m.

And worship this Sunday is at 11:00.

But you knew that.

So—I do hope you can be present.

Mary’s Corner

I hope this newsletter finds you well and warm. Thanks in advance to all of you who will help decorate the church for Christmas. Advent is always such a humbling and meaningful time for me. There is usually a quietness in my heart while the “busy-ness” of this time of the year spins around me. My focus is on the baby born in the stillness of the night, surrounded by angels, shepherds, animals, Joseph and Mary. I imagine all of creation holding its breath as God made flesh took their first breath as a human male. I encourage you to set aside time every day to consider what we are celebrating, to think about what we are waiting for, and to look for ways to be the Christ in the life of others. We participate in advent every year, decorating, changing our music, our preaching, our focus to the arrival of that baby. This year, while you watch and wait, keep yourself actively waiting by doing small things for others: offering prayers, sending cards, making phone calls… Anything you do to reconnect with others in your families or in our community will extend the love of Christ to this world so desperate for love. This is actually my 12th Advent with Saint Matthew (10th since we joined the church). I look forward to every one because I learn something new about my Savior with each passing season. Blessings to all this week. Rest, practice self-care, and join me in anticipating the arrival of that baby! My love to all, Mary

Kids’ News

We have been talking about the twins for a few weeks, Jacob finally got the birthright that rightfully belonged to Esau. However, because of Esau’s anger, Jacob had to flee his home and family.

As Jacob was leaving his home and family and traveling to Haran, he grew tired. He found a stone and placed it near his head, and he used it as his pillow. He went to sleep and had a very vivid dream. He dreamed that there was a large staircase that started on the ground and reached into the sky. God appeared in the dream and promised to be with him and bless him and all his descendants.

When Jacob awoke, he knew that God was with him in that place, God came to Jacob when he was tired and scared. Jacob was also scared by his dream. However, God made His presence known to Jacob. Jacob believed that the stone was in a special and holy place. Jacob set up the stone as a sacred pillar. He poured oil on the stone and named the place Bethel. Be with us on Sunday to learn more about the twins.

The holidays are quickly approaching, and I have an inside track to talk with Santa!! He told me he plans to visit St. Matthew kids after our dinner on Dec. 16th! Tell Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa that you just have to be at church to see what goodies Santa may bring you this year. He promised me he would have stockings filled with goodies for all our boys and girls. Hope you mark this on your calendar; the elves will help Santa that evening as well! I am excited!
