Today, we were still discussing the twins Jacob and Esau. We talked about how different they were.
Esau had been hunting and came into the house to demand Jacob give him something to eat immediately. Jacob agreed to feed his brother, but wanted something in return; so after he thought a while, Jacob promised Esau soup right away if he would just give him his birthright.
Esau agreed to this on the spur of the moment without thinking through what he was really giving away for some food. When he later realized what he had given away for something he wanted immediately, he got very angry and threatened to kill Jacob.
Jacob now had his brother’s birthright, but to receive the inheritance he must also receive the full blessing from their father, Isaac. Isaac was now an old man and had lost his eyesight The only way he knew he was speaking to Esau was by smell and touch. Rebekah got some of Esau’s stinky clothes and put a hairy animal skin on his arm, so his father would think it was Esau. Though Isaac still questioned the identity of Esau, Jacob said that he was Esau and Isaac bestowed his blessing on Jacob.
When Esau discovered that he had been robbed of his father’s blessing, he wanted to kill Jacob. Rebecca sent Jacob away and Isaac finally gave Esau a blessing.
Everyone in this story must have been completely overwhelmed. When there is chaos all around us, we sometimes lose our ability to see clearly.
See you in church Sunday to continue our story. Blessings,