I hope this newsletter finds you well and warm. Thanks in advance to all of you who will help decorate the church for Christmas. Advent is always such a humbling and meaningful time for me. There is usually a quietness in my heart while the “busy-ness” of this time of the year spins around me. My focus is on the baby born in the stillness of the night, surrounded by angels, shepherds, animals, Joseph and Mary. I imagine all of creation holding its breath as God made flesh took their first breath as a human male. I encourage you to set aside time every day to consider what we are celebrating, to think about what we are waiting for, and to look for ways to be the Christ in the life of others. We participate in advent every year, decorating, changing our music, our preaching, our focus to the arrival of that baby. This year, while you watch and wait, keep yourself actively waiting by doing small things for others: offering prayers, sending cards, making phone calls… Anything you do to reconnect with others in your families or in our community will extend the love of Christ to this world so desperate for love. This is actually my 12th Advent with Saint Matthew (10th since we joined the church). I look forward to every one because I learn something new about my Savior with each passing season. Blessings to all this week. Rest, practice self-care, and join me in anticipating the arrival of that baby! My love to all, Mary