Greetings in the name of Christ. In this season of Advent, I continue to be amazed at the way God works in our lives, showing up in the stillness. I attended a play on Sunday afternoon at the Stage West Theatre in Fort Worth. The play, “Poor Clare,” is a brilliant social commentary set against the backdrop of the friendship between Saint Francis of Assisi and Chiara Offreduccio (aka Saint Clare of Assisi).
The play is described as, “what happens when your eyes are opened to the injustice of the world around you, and you cannot look away.” I can verify that the play had exactly this impact upon the audience, at least this member of the audience. Having just preached a sermon on a “just peace,” my heart was already diligently seeking a place for words to become action. The play, set in ancient times but using modern dialogue, is incredibly accurate in its portrayal of the awakening of a soul to the plight of others.
It was a lovely and spiritual experience, and I am grateful for the talent and for the message. My eyes see the world more deeply after seeing the play. If you have an opportunity, it is worth the time and money to see this play.
Advent is moving quickly along. I urge you to spend time every day acknowledging the hope you have in your heart and seeking justice and peace in this world gone mad. We do not have to change the entire world; just a few just things done by people living the gospel is all the world needs.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday night at the Christmas Show and the dinner afterward. It promises to be a fun evening. Bring a friend, bring a stranger, bring both!
Blessings, Mary