Max’s Corner

Work to Be Done

We have several things we need to do.

We want to obtain devices for the hearing impaired.

Mary wants the big TV hooked into our system so that we can use it for presentations.

We have some lights that do not work and some that do not work right.

I announced that we would raise the money to do the work. But we do have money to cover it now and have decided to move on with the work.

I want us to stay up with everything. I am way too old to have to deal with financial problems. (Been there, done that—for 30 years.) But if we continue to be faithful with our giving, we will be able to get this necessary work done without any problems.

I look forward to getting the projects completed by Easter. Chuy’s men at 4Stage—who installed our system—will do the work.


We are still looking for one or two people to do breakfast for one or two Sundays in the month. I know it’s a job. But let me (or Winston or Mary) know if you are willing to help.

Communion Sunday

The sermon is called: “Just Face Reality.” We will talk about a wonderful (and humorous) story from John’s gospel about a man born blind and healed by Jesus. But the authorities simply and repeatedly refused to believe the man. Shannon has a solo for us. Blake is gone with his school choir on a trip.

We gather at the Lord’s Table.

It’s only four Sundays to Holy Week.

Remember our Mardi Gras lunch on Palm Sunday, March 24. (Yes, we have “Fat Tuesday” on Sunday. Don’t tell the Catholics.)

See You in worship.