Mary’s Corner

Greetings to all from the risen Christ, 

We follow the risen Christ, but we are still in that time of waiting for the inevitable. We know that Calvary is coming, that the cross has to happen. One day they shouted, “Hosanna!”, and a few days later, “Crucify Him!” We have learned of the depth and breadth of God’s love through God’s actions on the cross. We also experienced that love now, in this moment. As I write and as you read, the love of God surrounds us both. Close your eyes and feel the breath of God blowing across your life. Become aware of the warmth of the Savior standing next to you. Be aware of the little things that God uses to feed your spirit and empower your faith. God is in us and through us and all around us. God is mystery and God is light. Picture in your mind that God made flesh and dwelling among us as Jesus of Nazareth is spending the last, few precious hours telling the world that we are loved and we are forgiven. There is nothing greater than this. Thursday evening we will talk briefly and then have communion together, remembering the last supper of our Lord. 

I just received word that Anna is being transferred from the hospital to a physical rehab facility.! This is the next step in her journey toward health. I am so grateful for your love and your support of my family. We would not have survived this without you. My love to all, Mary

Kids’ News

Be at church early this Sunday! We will have lots of eggs for our kids to find! The Easter Bunny told me that there are a lot of goodies in the eggs!

Be at church by 9:45. Our Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 10:00 sharp. Please do not be late!

Bring Mom and Dad to help you open all your eggs! You may be the lucky one to find the Golden Egg! We will have crafts in the fellowship hall that you can work on before our hunt! Remember that time — 9:45!! We will have a movie and popcorn during church for all you kids to enjoy while Mom and Dad are in church!

This last Sunday our kids carried in palm leaves and shouted as they entered church! All this shouting was to welcome Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. People were excited as Jesus entered the city, they gave him the same greeting that a king would receive in those days. They spread palm leaves and their clothes on the road for Jesus to walk on.

As Jesus passed, the crowds shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord.” By riding a donkey instead of a horse, Jesus said that he came in peace. We can remember the palm leaves as a symbol and a way to praise God.

See you all in church on Sunday! Blessings

Friday’s Word

Can We Be Certain?

Jeffrey Long, a radiation oncologist, was fascinated by near-death experiences.

And for 30 years he has studied them as a scientist and a doctor. He has also written extensively about them. He now says he is certain there is life after death.

Being “certain” about life after death may seem strange to you. But you can also be certain.

All you have to do is what Dr. Long has done:

Look at the evidence.

I once heard a teacher at Perkins, our Methodist seminary at SMU, deride certainty—and people who claimed to be certain.

He said, “The opposite of faith is not doubt, it is certainty.”

He would define faith as trusting things we can’t be certain about. Trusting things that may turn out to be wrong.

That means he teaches future ministers of the Gospel things that he feels are only possibly true.

But they may be wrong.

In other words, faith is a guessing game.

I don’t believe that.

I’m with Jeffrey Long.

If you look at the evidence long enough, you can come to conclusions.

You can reach certainty.

I am certain about the Resurrection.

I have found that, when God does a work among us, God will always give us sufficient evidence to believe it.

The evidence for the Resurrection is more than sufficient.

When I stand in the pulpit on Easter Sunday morning, I will tell a story I know to be true.

Join us.

But remember—the only way to Easter is through the Cross. Good Friday worship is at 7:00 p.m.

A week away.

Easter is 11:00 a.m.

Come. Behold what God has done for love of us.