Greetings, dear Church, in the name of the risen Christ.
I had so much fun Sunday morning with the song that we sang, and with the time that we spent together before church having breakfast together. For some reason, everything seems lighter. The decisions of the general conference this year have made a way for everyone to be at the table of our Lord. There are no words for me to adequately express what that kind of freedom means. I am grateful to you for your continued love and support.
I’m also very grateful to those who showed up Saturday to clean the church. Nan and Winston cleaned the entire church in two hours. It doesn’t seem like a huge task, however, only two people showed up. We’ll have a sign-up sheet on Sunday to get a more organized and consistent schedule for cleaning the church.
Anna is progressing well after having a major surgery on Monday. She was up walking today with physical therapy. I look forward to spending time with you again this weekend. I miss you between these Sundays, Mary.