Kids’ News

We were all prepared to meet Abraham and Lot Sunday. Abraham was a very rich man who was traveling with his family and livestock. Can you imagine traveling with your family and livestock!? He made and broke camp each night. His wife, Sarah, and his nephew, Lot, were with him. Abraham and Lot had so many cattle and possessions between them that the land could not support them both.

Conflicts began to break out between their herdsmen. Abraham and Lot realized that the two groups could no longer travel together. So, for the sake of everyone they made an agreement about how and where they will live in the future. To ensure peace, Abraham gave Lot the choice of two lands. Lot chose the Jordan Valley because it was lush and green. There would be plenty of food and water for his animals. Without complaining, Abraham moved his animals and servants to the drier land.

In the story, we hear God promise Abraham many descendants. Abraham sacrificed the better land for the sake of keeping peace. The story shows us that we can work together if we try. It also shows us that compromise does not necessarily mean loss.

On another note, I purchased 12 caterpillars to release as butterflies with our kids. The little guys had their own schedule in mind and transformed into butterflies a week early. Since they have such a short life span, we released them last Saturday.The butterflies were so happy to be free that they flew across the street and high into my neighbor’s tree. Sunday when I arrived home from church, I noticed one was still flying in their habitat. Yes, you guessed it, he flew away as well! We may have to try this again.

See you in church Sunday