Max’s Corner

Great Service Last Week

But I wasn’t there.

My sister had a blood pressure flare-up and we spent the night before in ER.

I plan to be back this Sunday, but I am not preaching. Rev. Beverly Tye will deliver her “farewell address.”

Bev will be moving soon. We will miss her tremendously. She will have her chance Sunday to share her love with you and we will all have a chance to give thanks for her.

Expect another great Sunday.

Sunday afternoon I will be leaving for Round Rock for our two-day Annual Conference. We will be celebrating the new United Methodist Church—the one that is free to live up to its motto: “open minds, open hearts, open doors.” 

This is the LAST Annual Conference of the “Central Texas Conference.” Due to the loss of churches in the great dispute, we will be combining three conferences under a new name. Bishop Saenz will continue as our bishop.

And Mary and I will be returning to St. Matthew, appointed once again to serve this church. (My 43rd time. Not so many for Mary.)

Announcing where ministers are appointed to serve the coming year is the last order of business at Annual Conference before the closing worship, which includes a sermon from the Bishop. 

Mary and I will report briefly on the conference the Sunday following—June 16th. 

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “We-Bring-It” Sunday. At 10:30.

Something strange happened  on our last we-bring breakfast. It was a feast! Lots of food! Still don’t understand it.

Remember—“Beverly Sunday”

I know you will be present if at all possible.

              God Bless—MB

ON MY MIND—the folks we love who are sick and others who have lost loved ones. May God’s grace and comfort be with those who need it most.