Kids’ News

Sunday, we met a wonderful peacekeeper by the name Abigail. Her husband, Nabal, was a man of great wealth; he had 3000 sheep, and a thousand goats. Nabal was shearing his sheep in Carmel.

David sent out ten young men to keep the shearers safe for Nabal. David told his young men to greet Nabal and ask for food in return for their safety. Nabal grew very angry and refused to give them any food for the protection. The young men returned to David to give him Nabal’s response. David said to his men, gird on your sword. Every man girded on his sword; David also girded on his sword. David took about 400 men. But one of the young men told Abigail. When Abigail learns what happened, she quickly gathers supplies and food for David and his men. She then finds David and apologizes on behalf of her husband. Peace is established and David praises Abigail for her good judgement. Abigail’s’ act allows David and his men to experience peace through good judgement.

This story demonstrates the importance of peacekeeping efforts and provides us an example of what not to do if our gestures are not met in friendly ways. We have some exciting plans for Sunday. Hope to see you in church!

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