Mary’s Corner

We said “so long” on Sunday to our dear friend, mentor, and retired pastor, Beverly Tye. While it was difficult to see her leave, I know it is temporary. She is a short drive by Texas standards, only four hours to Blanco, Texas. We will miss Beverly, but she has promised to visit and to keep in touch. Reverend Tye’s sermon on Sunday morning was meaningful to me. I had not considered myself someone called to ‘kiss a frog.’ She was spot on in her description of frogs and in their place in the minds of humans, not very attractive, do not invoke joy, etc. But the sound made by the tree frogs in my yard just after the sun goes down is very soothing to me. It is a sound I can listen to for hours as I let the stress of my day peel away. Maybe God intended frogs to be heard and not seen. 

We have our first summer concert scheduled at Saint Matthew on June 29th at 6:30 pm. Musicians Cassandra Kirby and Nicholas Garza will be performing for us. Cassandra and Nicholas are great friends of Blake’s and are well-known artists in the local music scene. The concert is free of charge and an offering will be collected to support the ministries of Saint Matthew.

Don’t forget the ladies’ luncheon tomorrow with crafting beginning at 10 am and lunch at 11:30. Blessings to all, Mary

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