Max’s Corner

Good Service Last Sunday

Beverly Tye’s parting sermon was fine and gracious. Already we are looking forward to her first visit back after her move.

Lovely duet from Blake and Shannon—but what’s new?

I’m writing this hurriedly on Sunday afternoon just before I leave for the Annual Conference in Round Rock. It’s not so easy a trip, considering my bum knee. But it’s not that hard either.

Get back on Wednesday afternoon.

I will be preaching on Sunday.

Big Event!

Dwayne and Sheila Taylor—in this church for 31 years—will renew their vows in a service this Saturday—June 15—at 2:00 in the afternoon.

You—all of you—are invited.

Light refreshments after.

And lots of joy.

It’s 50 years together.

And we give thanks.

(Shannon will bring the music.)

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “Winston Sunday.”

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and Sunday.

Hope you are with us for worship.

Don’t make me have to come looking for you.

God Bless—MB

ON MY MIND—the folks we love who are sick and others who have lost loved ones. May God’s grace and comfort be with those who need it most.

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