A Consistent Theology

How consistent is your theology? Do you have any contradictions in it?

Do you believe some things that do not fit with other things you believe?

You may say in the words of scripture that “God is love.”

You may believe that deeply and sincerely. But do you also believe that God does some things that are not loving?

And if you believe that God is love but does unloving things, how do you work that out?

Jesus told us in Luke 6:35 that “God is kind to the ungrateful and to the wicked.”

He doesn’t modify this in any way. He is telling us that God treats everyone with love all the time.

This is the nature of God—to love and love only.

Do you believe this?

Or do you believe 1 Samuel 15 where God orders the destruction of the Amalekites?

God is quoted as saying, “Go attack the Amalekites. Do not spare them. Kill both man and woman, child and infant.”

If God did this, God is not love. God is not kind to everyone all the time.

So, what is your choice?

What image of God do you choose?

You can’t choose both. The two images of God are contradictory.

Back to my first question: Do you have a consistent theology?

Or is your theology—your belief system—just a mixed up mess?

If it is a mess, I have a suggestion for you: Just accept what Jesus taught us about God. Accept it completely.

God is love. God loves even his enemies. God is kind to the ungrateful and to the wicked.

Let Jesus have the final word. He alone is Lord.

Accept no substitutes.