Max’s Corner

Love and Prayers

Ronnie Sullivan’s mom passed away last weekend. She was 90 and had been in poor health for a long time. She spent these last years in the home with Ronnie and Mary and under their care. This is a big change in their lives and a deep loss.

The service will be later in Abilene.

The Pastoral Knee

I went to the orthopedic doctor Monday. Nothing is broken or torn. The doctor surmised a bone spur broke loose, affecting the arthritis. The knee seems to be healing slowly. I may be on a walker and preaching from a stool for a few weeks, but not permanently.

Things happen after 40.

And I’ve been “after 40” for some time now.

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “We-bring Sunday.”

My pigs will be in blankets.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

This Sunday

“Accosted By the Truth”—that’s my sermon Sunday. What happens when an atheist is suddenly confronted by God? I’ll share two stories with you.

Last Sunday I felt the need to do a little educational work—filling you in on the way the United Methodist Church is put together and telling you a little about our recent Annual Conference.

We are in the “Horizon Conference” now, under Bishop Ruben Saenz.

And we’re proud of it.

A Good Time

DeWayne and Sheila Taylor’s 50th wedding celebration was a joyful occasion. We give thanks for them and their family.

Beautiful duet from Blake and Shannon last week: Good, Good Father. Julian sings this Sunday.

Prepare your hearts. We will worship the Lord.

God Bless—MB