Kids’ News

Our bible story for the week was about Esther, who lived with her older cousin, Mordecai. The King chooses Ester to be his new queen and brings her to the palace to live. Queen Esther is Jewish, but her husband the king does not know this. The king’s helper, Haman, doesn’t like the Jewish people. So he tricks the king into making a law that will have all the Jewish people killed.

Mordecai convinces Queen Esther to intervene with the King to save her people. Esther approaches the king and tells him that she is a Jew and that Haman wants to kill all her people. She begs the King not to allow this to happen. The King is upset with Haman. The King doesn’t want Esther or her people to be killed, so he makes a new law to keep Queen Esther and her people safe. As an elite woman, it would have been easy for Queen Esther to remain silent and allow her people to be killed, but Esther put her own life at risk to save and bring peace to the Jewish people. Sometimes it is hard to be a peacemaker in difficult circumstances; but with the help of God, we can all do this.

It was a little late for Father’s Day, but we took this opportunity to show Dad how much he is loved. Each one glued small stones around a heart made of wood and wrote “Dad, you rock!” on the heart.

Hope he loved it! See you in church on Sunday. Blessings

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