Max’s Corner

Funeral Service

The service for Ronnie Sullivan’s mom will be this coming Monday in Abilene. I know we will have some people going. The love of all of us will be with Ronnie and her family. The flowers this Sunday will be in memory of Ronnie’s mom.

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “We-bring Sunday.”

I did not bring my pigs in a blanket last Sunday. (I’ve been on the slow side lately.) But I will bring them this Sunday.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

This Sunday

Jason—this sermon title will not change: “The Grace We Need”. Paul got an encouraging word from the Lord. We can use it also.

I sent three sermon title changes to Jason last week. Don’t know what was wrong—just couldn’t settle.

We will have some music celebrating the 4th of July this Sunday, and a moment of thanksgiving, but my sermon is not a July 4th sermon.

We missed Mary last Sunday—home sick.

And we missed Blake and Shannon.

Hope to see you this Sunday.

I’m ready for worship.

I’m ready to be lifted by God’s grace.

I want to sing.

And give thanks.

And feel a bit of joy.

Come. Let us gather.

And praise the Lord.

God Bless—MB

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