Keeping Bad Company

We are in trouble as a nation because many Christians have such a strange idea of the Gospel.

Clearly, they don’t seem to know the Gospel I know and preach.

Which I think of as the Gospel of mainstream Christianity.

Consider this:

One of the guys on that debate stage last week is supported by Christians, racial hate groups, and Neo-Nazis.

Strange combination.

Why would Christians be with racists and Nazis?

Paul tells us to be careful about the company we keep. I would call Nazis bad company.

Yet there they are, Christians with bad guys.

But this is a different kind of Christianity.

It has nothing to do with the Christianity I know.

Let me say something that may sound a bit radical here: All who use the name “Christian” do not worship the same God.

Someone wrote to me recently, “You went so far as to say that God is only a God of love.”

He said that’s not true, then he listed some really mean things he says God did. He wants me to know God is a rough customer.

Another said to me, “God does not love all people. God loves only the people who keep his commandments.”

Here are two Christians who do not believe in grace, God’s unconditional love for all humankind.

Their idea of “God” is so different from my idea of “God” that I don’t think we share the same religion.

Yet, we are all called “Christians.”

But some Christians see God as love. Some see God as stern and exclusive.

And the meaner your God is, the more likely it is you will find yourself marching in lockstep with racists and Nazis.

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