Kids’ News

In our story today we learned that God created different languages and cultures. We learned that after the flood, all the people on earth were the “clans of Noah’s sons.”

They decided that they wanted to stay together and make a name for themselves, so they built a tower so tall that its top was in the sky. They built it for their glory to keep from being separated. They also built a city around the tower so they could all live together and stay together. But God wants the people to learn that they belong together even if they speak different languages and have different cultures and religions.

God mixed up their languages and sent them to all areas of earth, in hopes they would accept one another in all their differences. People tell of the mighty works of God in many different languages.

We are exploring belonging through spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts are for building up the whole body of Christ. God gave each of us different spiritual gifts.

As we were painting “sun catchers,” we could hear you singing. Our sweet little 3 yr. old said “That is grandma singing. I know it is my grandma.”

Singing is a spiritual gift that can make others as happy as our little girl. What is your spiritual gift? The story of Babel teaches us that differences are good and God-given. We can use our differences for the benefit of the body of Christ, and our church!

See you Sunday!