Max’s Corner

At Last—NDE Study Begins

My sister, Jackie, will begin a four-week study of near-death experiences this Sunday at 9:45. It will conclude each week at 10:30, just as breakfast begins.

These lessons will be encouraging, reminding us that life goes on after death. We will get a look at what heaven is like as well as insight into the depth of God’s love for us.

I will be sitting in and may chime in occasionally.

During the study, several members of our church will share their near-death experiences and glimpses of life beyond this one.

The class will meet in “The Corner Room”—through the door at the southwest corner of the fellowship hall.

When this study concludes, I will begin a continuing study called The Experience of God.

One great blessing of these studies is that church members will get to know one another better.

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “We-bring Sunday.”

I have been confused about this a couple of times lately—asking us to bring when someone was scheduled to do the breakfast. But this Sunday is definitely a “we-bring.”

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

This Sunday

Mary preaches this Sunday.

And Kristi and Blake will be back.

Shannon sang (and played) a beautiful solo last week. Lovely congregational singing, too.

I thought we had a good service.

I remind you that the memorial service for Julie Maxwell will be a week from this Saturday—July 20—at 1:00 p.m.

Remember the NDE study.

See you Sunday.

(I do hope to see you.)