Kids’ News

This week, we met Mephibosheth. Do you remember him? He was the son of Jonathan, who was King Saul’s son.

Jonathan and David were best friends when they were young. Jonathan helped David escape when the king wanted to kill him. David and Jonathan made a promise that they would always protect each other’s families.

Many years later, after David is established as King, he sends for a man named Ziba, who had been a servant in King Saul’s household. Ziba asks if there are any survivors from Jonathan’s household. He learns that Jonathan has a son who is disabled. New kings often killed family members of the old king because they were afraid they would try to take the kingdom. Instead, David invites Mephibosheth to eat at his table each night, like a member of his family. David gives Mephibosheth the property that would have been his as Jonathan’s son.

We all need to know that we have a place to belong through God’s love. Because we want to show faithful love back to God, we must be like David and welcome and show love to those God loves.

See you in church on Sunday. Blessings