Max’s Corner

Service for Julie

The memorial service for Julie Maxwell will be this Saturday at 1:00 pm, followed by lunch for family and friends. Julie was a beloved member of this church and cherished by her husband, Tracy, and her friends.

We hope you can be present.

NDE Study Off to a Good Start

We had 23 present for the first session at 9:30 am last Sunday. This will require us to move to the larger classroom next door for the remaining three or four sessions.

Each week someone who has had a near-death experience will share their story with the class.

This NDE study will be followed by an extended study of my to-be-published book, Discovering God. This study will also meet at 9:45 am each Sunday.

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “Winston Sunday.”

We had all 23 people from the NDE class join breakfast last week.

Food and fellowship at 10:30 am.

This Sunday

This is it: the sermon that will answer the question: Did God Kill Ananias and Sapphira?

See you in worship.

God Bless—MB

I have forgotten the date of our upcoming concert (and it is too late at night to call anyone to find out).

We will remind you on Sunday.

Or Jason or Mary may mention it in this newsletter. It is coming. And it will be great.