Max’s Corner


Everything last weekend seemed blessed—the service for Julie Maxwell—the new NDE study—and morning worship.

And that solo from Blake—”What a Wonderful World”. I haven’t listened online to it yet, but I plan to. Just about the loveliest thing I have ever heard.

Thanks to all who work so hard around here. The dinner after the memorial service was great. Thanks for Jason’s work on the slide show and livestream. Thanks to Mel for his work.

NDE Study

We had a roomful for the NDE study, with four visitors from outside the church. Sue Kelcey shared her encounter with Jesus during her NDE.

My sister (who is planning the sessions) says that this week the study will be on “The Great Reunion”—our encounter with loved ones during an NDE.

The class will begin with a question: “What do you want when you get to heaven?”

That’s at 9:45—over at 10:30 for breakfast.

Breakfast This Sunday

Veta is bringing this Sunday, but feel free to bring also—and help in the kitchen! With the big NDE class plus others, we are serving some 35 people each week.

Thanks for your help.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

This Sunday

Mary returns this Sunday—out last week to be with family in West Texas.

She will preach for us in a couple of weeks.

This Sunday I may have the nerve to tell you about an experience I once had with the Lord. If I do, the sermon will be called, God Said No.

God Bless—MB

The upcoming concert is in two weeks — Saturday, August 10, at 6:00 p.m. Shannon and Julian will take us out for A Night on Broadway. This will be an exciting concert. Do NOT miss it. (Light dinner after.)