Stories to Lift the Spirit

A participant in our NDE class told this story.

When her mother died, the family found in her things a pendant they very much wanted to place on her for the funeral.

It would look good with the clothing they had selected.

But there was a problem. The gold chain was thin and delicate and all “knotted up.”

Several members of the family worked to get the kinks out, but no one succeeded.

They were disappointed, but finally gave up and went with something else.

When they returned from the funeral, there was the chain and pendant, laid out on the bed without a knot in it.

It was, of course, a word from their loved one. Her life continued. And she wanted her family to know that.

The body dies.

We do not.

Death is a transition.

Not an end.

That story was not a near-death experience, but it was fair game for the class, which is really about the reality of heaven and God and life beyond death.

Another member did share an NDE. She must have died momentarily with a brain aneurysm. At one point, she found herself up at the ceiling looking down on herself in the hospital bed.

She was later aware of Jesus at her bedside. He let her know she would survive. And said to her, “Tell your boys you love them.”

NDE class, 9:45 Sunday. Followed by breakfast.

Life is better than you think. Be encouraged.


One week away:

A Night on Broadway.

Sat., Aug.10, 6:00 p.m.

We can promise you glorious music and a bit of food afterward.

Max’s Corner


Will we see the people we have loved and lost in heaven? Will they know us—and will we know them? What will they look like? And what will we look like? Will people of other faiths be there?

These are some of the questions to be raised in this week’s NDE class—9:45—followed by breakfast.


This is a “Winston Sunday”—meaning Winston will bring. (If you want to add something, feel free.)

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

Communion Sunday

Always a blessed day. Everyone is welcome to participate, regardless of denomination or the state of their faith. It is the Lord’s Table. We all belong to him.

A nonbeliever wrote me to say that I pick and choose the teachings of Jesus to make him look kind and loving. No—I don’t have to do that.

Jesus is kind and loving.

Sermon Sunday: Demand Consistency

And we’ve been having some good singing.

I’m ready for more of it.

(Children—I think I am happiest when I am singing.)

Join me—in being excited about Sunday.

“I was glad when they said unto me—”

You know the rest.

Come! Let us worship.

God Bless—MB

The upcoming concert is in ONE week–Saturday, August 10, at 6:00 p.m. Shannon and Julian will take us out for A Night on Broadway. This will be an exciting concert. Do NOT miss it. (Light dinner after.)

Mary’s Corner

Greetings, dear church, in the name of the risen Christ. It was so good to be in worship with you on Sunday morning, especially during our prayer time with Bill Parker. The power of prayer changes lives, and we hope for the healing power of Christ to be present in Bill’s life and in the lives of so many of you who are dealing with difficult health situations.

We should’ve known that prayer was important because Jesus took time out to teach us to pray during his lifetime. We’ve been having good crowds lately on Sundays, and I am grateful that we are gaining members in our church. I get excited when I think about the future, serving our neighborhood and serving God.

I have my big inspection tomorrow at the hospital for the program that I manage, so I am excited and a little bit nervous. As always, I ask for your prayers on Wednesday.

Blessings to all,

Kids’ News

Do you remember when we had bucket time every Sunday for the kids? Mary announced Sunday morning that we would start this again. Every Sunday morning, the kids dropped change in the bucket to buy farm animals for less fortunate countries. We bought chickens and an ox to help with farm work. This allows our kids to make a positive difference in the lives of children who do not have enough food. Bring your change to help Mary collect enough to make a positive difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

In our Bible story on Sunday, we learned about a man named Cornelius. He was a Gentile who worshiped God and lived a life that pleased Him. One day, Cornelius had a vision in which an angel told him to send for a man named Peter. Peter was a Jew who followed God’s laws and customs. At that time, Jews and Gentiles did not associate with each other.

The next day, Peter had a vision too. He saw a large sheet coming down from Heaven, filled with animals that Jewish people were not supposed to eat. A voice told Peter that he could eat any of the animals, but Peter said he would not eat them. The voice told Peter that everything God made is good and should not be called unclean. Peter was puzzled by the vision.

Just then, Cornelius’ men arrived and asked Peter to come to Cornelius’ house. When Peter arrived, Cornelius had gathered many people to hear Peter’s message. As Peter spoke about his vision, he realized that God was showing him that he should not call any person unclean or impure. Peter understood that God’s love and salvation were for everyone, not just Jews.

Peter then shared the good news of Jesus with Cornelius and his household. They believed and were baptized, becoming the first Gentile Christians. Peter learned that all of God’s people belong together, regardless of their background.

We look forward to seeing you in church on Sunday. Please be sure to bring your change for Mary’s bucket! Bring Grandma and Grandpa with you as well as Mom and Dad! Blessings.