Kids’ News

Do you remember when we had bucket time every Sunday for the kids? Mary announced Sunday morning that we would start this again. Every Sunday morning, the kids dropped change in the bucket to buy farm animals for less fortunate countries. We bought chickens and an ox to help with farm work. This allows our kids to make a positive difference in the lives of children who do not have enough food. Bring your change to help Mary collect enough to make a positive difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

In our Bible story on Sunday, we learned about a man named Cornelius. He was a Gentile who worshiped God and lived a life that pleased Him. One day, Cornelius had a vision in which an angel told him to send for a man named Peter. Peter was a Jew who followed God’s laws and customs. At that time, Jews and Gentiles did not associate with each other.

The next day, Peter had a vision too. He saw a large sheet coming down from Heaven, filled with animals that Jewish people were not supposed to eat. A voice told Peter that he could eat any of the animals, but Peter said he would not eat them. The voice told Peter that everything God made is good and should not be called unclean. Peter was puzzled by the vision.

Just then, Cornelius’ men arrived and asked Peter to come to Cornelius’ house. When Peter arrived, Cornelius had gathered many people to hear Peter’s message. As Peter spoke about his vision, he realized that God was showing him that he should not call any person unclean or impure. Peter understood that God’s love and salvation were for everyone, not just Jews.

Peter then shared the good news of Jesus with Cornelius and his household. They believed and were baptized, becoming the first Gentile Christians. Peter learned that all of God’s people belong together, regardless of their background.

We look forward to seeing you in church on Sunday. Please be sure to bring your change for Mary’s bucket! Bring Grandma and Grandpa with you as well as Mom and Dad! Blessings.