Max’s Corner

Funeral Service

Ronnie Sullivan’s mom was buried today (Monday} in a service in her Catholic church in Abilene.

Mary will be back on Sunday.

Mary is feeling better and Ronnie and Mary are adjusting to life without Ronnie’s mom.

Our love is with them and the whole family.

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “Winston Sunday.”

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

Yes—A Hard Time

The Supreme Court decision announced Monday changes the nature of the presidency and places our nation in danger.

The possibility is real—we could lose our democracy.

We will not get discouraged.

We will pray.

And we will work.

This Sunday

Life is not easy.

Not for us. And certainly not for Paul.

You might think God would lay out an easy path for the greatest of all the apostles—called specifically—and dramatically—by God to proclaim the Gospel. He left us a list of his hardships.

And he shared two experiences that kept him going.

Sermon Sunday: “My Grace Is Sufficient.”

Barring unforeseen events, my sister’s study of near-death experiences will begin on Sunday, July 14, from 9:45 to 10:30 am. (Over at breakfast time.)

The memorial service for Julie Maxwell will be Saturday, July 20, at 1:00 pm.

Worship this Sunday will be at the same time it has been since 1897—11:00 am.

Some things don’t change.

See you then.

God Bless—MB

Mary’s Corner

May the peace of Christ dwell within your heart and mind today and may your life match!

Two Sundays away from the church is way too much. I am looking forward to being back with you on July 7th for our worship and communion services. I listened to church Sunday morning but am missing my hugs and warm smiles. The service was great on Sunday. And there are no adequate words for the beauty of the music we enjoy every week with Kristi, Blake, and Shannon. We are truly blessed to have this much talent in a church our size. God is good to us.

The children of Cris Monrrial did an amazing job putting together the funeral service for their mother. Every single thing was just a Cris wanted it to be. The entire clan was in attendance: 11 children, 30 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren and 7 great-great-grandchildren. Plus neighbors, friends, and other family from everywhere. The church that hosted the service and meal is the same church that the children grew up in, and the church where their mother could be found organizing volunteers to help a family in need or cook a meal for a family who had lost a loved one. Cris worked with 2 other women in the 1970s to found a dance group for the children and teenagers of the congregation. “Ballet Folklorico” is the name of the Mexican dance genre, complete with brightly colored, flowing dresses and the “charro” dance uniform of the male dancer. I am attempting to describe all of this because, after the family meal, the dance troupe performed for the guests. It was breathtakingly beautiful and brought tears of joy to my eyes. 

Our postponed concert on Saturday will be rescheduled soon. Nicholas was unable to attend due to circumstances he could not control. We will have time for some more advertising and preparation. May the Lord be with you. Mary

Kids’ News

The holidays are hard on our attendance for our kids. We had a wonderful lesson this week known as the Beatitudes; this is part of the Scripture called The Sermon on the Mount. As word of Jesus’ Ministry spreads, large crowds begin to follow him. The Sermon on the Mount is a series of teachings by Jesus that helps us know how God wants us to live.

The Beatitudes can take time to grasp fully. However, most children can comprehend being a peacemaker. We are not always happy, but we can spread God’s peace. We are called “God’s children” because we work for peace, just as God does. This practice brings joy and happiness. Praying you all had a wonderful and safe 4th of July and we will see you back in church Sunday. Blessings.