A Night On Broadway—Saturday at 6:00

Shannon Davidson is our “star soprano.” She sings for us most Sundays. She is also a locally-known entertainer.

And this Saturday she will join Julian Rodriguez for a stirring concert we are calling A Night on Broadway.

Julian, with his soaring high tenor voice, is also part of the St. Matthew music program.

This is tomorrow.

Saturday, August 10.

At 6:00 p.m. (The doors open at 5:30.)

The concert is followed by dinner. All is free. (We do take an offering.)

Let me talk a little about St. Matthew—a church that has survived since 1896.

We are not large. We have some 70 on a Sunday morning. Our membership is around 150. And almost all of our members come from one source. They are readers of Friday’s Word.

They all knew what they were getting when they came to the church. They got it here first.

And all of them were looking for a church that placed the emphasis on God’s love.

Some of the most loving and gracious people I know gather every Sunday at St. Matthew. It’s hard to get a good fuss going! Folks are mostly in agreement.

So, I pastor a church where the Gospel is a lived reality.

And I must tell you—it’s a joy.

But in our worship, we do not seem small.

We have gifted people who bring us glorious music. Our small choir puts out a big sound.

Why am I telling you all of this?

I expect you to visit us sometime.

Like—Saturday night.

At 6:00.

Max’s Corner


We have switched to a potluck supper—and we will be serving quite a few people. Your help is needed. I know we will have plenty of food. We always do.

I expect a glorious evening.

Saturday—at 6:00.


Diana Eades will share her near-death experience—and we may ask husband Danny about his. Expect an interesting morning.

At 9:45—followed by breakfast.


This is a “We-bring Sunday.”

We are serving some 30 people these days.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

Last Sunday

We got the word during worship that the father of Sheila Taylor and Cindy Wheeler had passed. It was on our minds and in our prayers all during the service—and still is.

Our love to this family. We will let you know when the graveside service will be.

It was a rather emotional Sunday.

I was emotional. I already had on my mind the several people in our church who are going through times of illness right now. I feel the burden of that as a pastor and I know Mary does also.

God is working. God will hold the folks we love in his grace. Because God loves us, all shall be well.

Mary has not preached for us in a while.

She will this Sunday.

And don’t miss that concert! It will be joy.

God Bless—MB

I cannot thank you enough for your help with repairs and improvements to our sound and lighting systems. I have told Chuy at 4Stage to do the work. I told him we would have the $3,500 to pay for it. And we will. I do give thanks.

Mary’s Corner

We learned in church yesterday just how fragile every moment of our lives can be. Being with Dwayne and Sheila, as Sheila learned that her father had gained his eternal reward, was a sobering moment for all of us. At that moment, as I looked at your faces, I saw nothing but compassion and caring. You are, by far, some of the most loving people I have ever met.

We have no details yet about JK’s services (Sheila and Cindy’s father). However, from the many stories I’ve heard about him, I can tell how much they loved him and how much he loved their mother. I am certain I heard shouts of hallelujah and welcome home yesterday in that sacred space. Another thing I witnessed yesterday is your willingness to hold sacred space for each other in times of illness, injury, and loss. I know you probably cannot recall everyone’s name, but you pray for every need. And to those of you who volunteered on Sunday afternoon to help us put some framework around our community service, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Your willingness to take over the reins of Eastside Ministry and our hospitality/meal ministry is Christ in motion. I am humbled to be among so many who live the gospel of Matthew 25.

Saturday Night on Broadway is this Saturday, August 10, 2024. Doors open at 5:30 PM, music starts at 6:00 PM, with dinner afterward. We are looking for volunteers to set up and clean up for the meal. Don’t be shy; everyone is welcome to the hospitality ministry! We will pass a plate during the concert, with the proceeds being applied to the general fund of the church. The general fund pays for the daily operations of Saint Matthew UMC.

As I mentioned on Sunday morning, the choir at Western Hills High School is looking for a few good booster club members from our congregation who would be willing to help with the activities of the choir. Please see Blake if you can help.

I am submitting more paperwork this week to the District Committee on Ministry. This is a repeat step for me but one I am excited to complete. Your prayers are appreciated. My interview with them is on August 22, 2024, at 1 PM. I know I can count on your prayers.

I am preaching Sunday, and I look forward to the preparation this week as I put the finishing touches on a lesson about baptism. I hope you can join us.

There are many needs in our church, and the prayer requests are extensive. BUT, there is nothing that our God cannot do, and the prayerful requests of faithful followers of The Way are music to God’s ears. My love to all of you,


Kids’ News

This Sunday, we learned about Rahab. She lived in the town of Jericho, and her house was built into the wall that surrounded the city. One night, two spies showed up at Rahab’s house. They were there to gather information about Jericho because it was part of the land that God had promised to their people. Rahab helped them escape by hiding them on her roof under stalks of flax that were drying there. When the king’s men, who were pursuing the spies, arrived, she misled them by directing them in the opposite direction. After the king’s men left, Rahab lowered the spies from her window with a scarlet cord and sent them in the opposite direction of the king’s men.

This story teaches us that everyday people can be courageous and make a big difference. Rahab was smart and clever, making quick and wise decisions even when it was hard to know what to do. She trusted in God, and her actions demonstrated her courage.

For our craft, the kids braided a bracelet out of red cord to remind them to have courage. Did you notice two-year-old Milani leaving her grandmother and going with the other kids to children’s church? She marched out like a big girl! I was so proud of her!

Be sure to have all our kids in church on Sunday because Miss Connie is going to have all the kids help her decorate a bucket for bucket time, when we collect change to help buy farm animals to supply food for the less fortunate.

See you in church on Sunday. Blessings