A Night On Broadway—Saturday at 6:00

Shannon Davidson is our “star soprano.” She sings for us most Sundays. She is also a locally-known entertainer.

And this Saturday she will join Julian Rodriguez for a stirring concert we are calling A Night on Broadway.

Julian, with his soaring high tenor voice, is also part of the St. Matthew music program.

This is tomorrow.

Saturday, August 10.

At 6:00 p.m. (The doors open at 5:30.)

The concert is followed by dinner. All is free. (We do take an offering.)

Let me talk a little about St. Matthew—a church that has survived since 1896.

We are not large. We have some 70 on a Sunday morning. Our membership is around 150. And almost all of our members come from one source. They are readers of Friday’s Word.

They all knew what they were getting when they came to the church. They got it here first.

And all of them were looking for a church that placed the emphasis on God’s love.

Some of the most loving and gracious people I know gather every Sunday at St. Matthew. It’s hard to get a good fuss going! Folks are mostly in agreement.

So, I pastor a church where the Gospel is a lived reality.

And I must tell you—it’s a joy.

But in our worship, we do not seem small.

We have gifted people who bring us glorious music. Our small choir puts out a big sound.

Why am I telling you all of this?

I expect you to visit us sometime.

Like—Saturday night.

At 6:00.

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