Kids’ News

This Sunday, we learned about Rahab. She lived in the town of Jericho, and her house was built into the wall that surrounded the city. One night, two spies showed up at Rahab’s house. They were there to gather information about Jericho because it was part of the land that God had promised to their people. Rahab helped them escape by hiding them on her roof under stalks of flax that were drying there. When the king’s men, who were pursuing the spies, arrived, she misled them by directing them in the opposite direction. After the king’s men left, Rahab lowered the spies from her window with a scarlet cord and sent them in the opposite direction of the king’s men.

This story teaches us that everyday people can be courageous and make a big difference. Rahab was smart and clever, making quick and wise decisions even when it was hard to know what to do. She trusted in God, and her actions demonstrated her courage.

For our craft, the kids braided a bracelet out of red cord to remind them to have courage. Did you notice two-year-old Milani leaving her grandmother and going with the other kids to children’s church? She marched out like a big girl! I was so proud of her!

Be sure to have all our kids in church on Sunday because Miss Connie is going to have all the kids help her decorate a bucket for bucket time, when we collect change to help buy farm animals to supply food for the less fortunate.

See you in church on Sunday. Blessings

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