Max’s Corner


We have switched to a potluck supper—and we will be serving quite a few people. Your help is needed. I know we will have plenty of food. We always do.

I expect a glorious evening.

Saturday—at 6:00.


Diana Eades will share her near-death experience—and we may ask husband Danny about his. Expect an interesting morning.

At 9:45—followed by breakfast.


This is a “We-bring Sunday.”

We are serving some 30 people these days.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

Last Sunday

We got the word during worship that the father of Sheila Taylor and Cindy Wheeler had passed. It was on our minds and in our prayers all during the service—and still is.

Our love to this family. We will let you know when the graveside service will be.

It was a rather emotional Sunday.

I was emotional. I already had on my mind the several people in our church who are going through times of illness right now. I feel the burden of that as a pastor and I know Mary does also.

God is working. God will hold the folks we love in his grace. Because God loves us, all shall be well.

Mary has not preached for us in a while.

She will this Sunday.

And don’t miss that concert! It will be joy.

God Bless—MB

I cannot thank you enough for your help with repairs and improvements to our sound and lighting systems. I have told Chuy at 4Stage to do the work. I told him we would have the $3,500 to pay for it. And we will. I do give thanks.

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