Kids’ News

This Sunday, we learned about a woman named Naomi. She left her home in Bethlehem with her husband and their two young sons to live in the country of Moab. While living in Moab, her sons grew up and married two young women, Ruth and Orpah.

Sadly, Naomi’s husband and sons passed away. With no family left in Moab, Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem. She encouraged Ruth and Orpah to go back to their own families. Orpah returned home, but Ruth chose to stay with Naomi, saying, “Wherever you go, I will go… Your God will be my God.”

Life was challenging for Naomi and Ruth when they returned to Bethlehem. They worked hard to set up a new home, but food was scarce. To survive, Ruth went out to gather leftover crops in the fields, as it was customary in those days for people in need to collect what was left behind.

A man named Boaz showed kindness to Ruth by allowing her to glean in his fields. This story reminds us that it sometimes takes courage to be kind, especially in difficult times. God calls us to be brave and show kindness, and when we do, that kindness can spread to others.

With school now in full swing, I know life can get busy; but I hope to see all our children in church this Sunday.

See you then!

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