Mary’s Corner

Good Wednesday to you from your sacred servant,

Blessings and peace from Jesus Christ, our Lord, to all the sacred servants of Saint Matthew UMC. I am overwhelmed this week by the generosity of this congregation. We have collected $5,000 toward the sound system! We can now move forward with the necessary repairs and even complete a few upgrades that we previously couldn’t afford. I am also deeply moved by the love and grace you extend to each other and to visitors at our events and worship services.

Saturday night was especially touching, not just because of the beautiful music, but also because of the fellowship afterward. Laughter and storytelling filled the room long after plates were cleaned and dessert was enjoyed. What I witnessed filled my heart with joy. I look forward to the day when I can be at the church full-time, so we can schedule even more fellowship time together.

On Sunday, we talked about the sacredness of “never letting your love fail for your siblings” and the importance of serving God by serving each other. What you do at Saint Matthew and in the surrounding area is akin to what the 12 Apostles did over 2,000 years ago to start the church and share the gospel of the Risen Christ. We are all called to this ministry of service, and I am grateful that we are doing it together.

This Thursday, August 15th, at 10:30 am, we will lay to rest the remains of JK Ware in a graveside service at Shannon-Rose Hill Cemetery. Mr. Ware and his dear wife Betty attended Saint Matthew years ago. Cindy and Sheila were members of the church then, and are with us again now. The family will return to Saint Matthew after the service for a meal and fellowship. We need volunteers (aka sacred servants) to help with food preparation, set-up, and clean-up.

I’ve also been in contact with Ms. Blackman, the counselor at BJ Elliott Elementary School. She is thrilled to have the church’s support for their 334 students this year. According to Counselor Blackman, winter coats are the perfect focus right now. Connie Michael will provide more details about when our Winter Coat Drive will begin.

I am blessed to be a part of this church family. You are with me, “like a handprint on my heart,” as Julian and Shannon sang to us on Saturday and Sunday. And I am better because I know you.



Jazz Concert Fundraiser for Eastside Community Assistance

Saturday August 24th 6pm @ Meadowbrook/Poly UMC

3900 Meadowbrook Drive Fort Worth, TX 76103

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