Kids’ News

This week, our story focused on Mary, who shows great courage. Jesus and his disciples traveled to Bethany, the home of his good friend Lazarus, and his sisters, Martha and Mary. They were to host a dinner for Jesus. While Martha served the meal to the guests, Mary took a large amount of expensive perfume and anointed Jesus’ feet. She then wiped his feet dry with her hair. The whole house was filled with the aroma of the perfume.

Mary’s actions in this story are deeply courageous. She used perfume that cost a year’s wages to anoint Jesus’ feet and lovingly rubbed it in. In Jewish culture, it was not customary for a woman to touch a man who was not her husband in public. After anointing his feet, Mary let down her hair to dry them, which was uncommon for women in public. Any of these acts could have been dangerous for her.

Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples who often stole money, was angry that she was “wasting” the perfume. However, Mary’s loving act was a way of honoring Jesus, and Jesus acknowledged it. Courage can look different to various people, and we show courage when we follow God. Being faithful sometimes means doing the unexpected. Because Mary loved Jesus, she bravely anointed his feet, even though it was risky.

We would also like to extend a big “Thank you” to everyone who contributed with our kids to Heifer International. We will buy several animals to help those less fortunate live better lives. See you in church on Sunday!

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