The Gospel Is Inclusive

Someone asked me, “If you lived in a small town and the only church in town was conservative, would you go to church?”


But I would not be quiet. So, I might cause a bit of a fuss. Because the Gospel is not “conservative.” And when someone tells me they are conservative, I am tempted to ask them, “Who are you leaving out?”

“Who do you think is beneath you, not worthy of your love?”

For white people when I was growing up, it was often people of color.

It still is for some.

But add to the list: immigrants, gay people, Muslims, Jews, anyone different.

“Conservatives” tend to be exclusive.

The Gospel is inclusive.

The Gospel proclaimed by Jesus declares God’s love for all people, equally.

No one is excluded.

The love Jesus teaches is unconditional, unmerited.

Jesus specifically tells us to love people who do not love us. He says only this kind of love gets a reward.

And God does not play favorites. Muslims are loved just as much as Christians.

Immigrants have the same value as the native-born.

Everyone is made in the image of God. Everyone belongs to God. And everyone will be treated with the same love by God.

This is controversial talk in many churches—“conservative” churches.

You may be in such a church—and that’s fine.

But don’t be quiet.

When you hear others demean gay people or immigrants or people of other faiths—speak up!

It may cause a little fuss.

But it’s worth it.

Evil triumphs when love is silent.

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