Jesus—IS—the Word

By “Conservative,” I mean Christians who read the Bible as though it is inerrant. They see it as accurate cover-to-cover.

But this way of reading the Bible can make people less loving, and less moral.

For example, Deut. 21:18 says that parents with a son who refuses to obey them should haul the kid before the elders at the city gate and have him stoned to death.

You won’t find that in modern parenting manuals.

It’s a horrendous idea.

It is ancient ignorance.

And it’s no way to treat your kid.

But Biblical inerrantists must defend that passage. And since this is part of the Old Testament law, they must even say that killing the child was God’s idea.

If you are in a conservative church, ask your pastor about this. He will defend this passage and say killing the child was God’s will.

Of course, we should all know better. The passage is not Christian.

It does not reflect the teachings of Jesus or even common decency.

But the conservative pastor feels he must defend the passage and must blame it on God.

Because it is in the Bible.

It is important for us to know that there is a Bible within the Bible.

The heart of scripture is Jesus and his teachings.

Anything in the Bible that does not reflect his love cannot be right.

Jesus—IS—the Word!

Biblical inerrancy causes many Christians to be morally indecisive. It is why so many who claim Christ can support “the orange guy.”

They have been taught immorality all their lives sitting in pews on Sundays.

Biblical inerrancy can lead to political evil.

(Worship at 11:00.)

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