Max’s Corner

Last Sunday

I told you something you have never heard a preacher say: The world is what God intended it to be. It is not a mistake. God did not goof, and God never regretted making us. The world is the hard-knocks school God sends us to—to grow, to learn, to find God. The Adam and Eve story tells us we are cursed, but Jesus tells us we are blessed—even with the pain and suffering in the world. And I’m sticking with Jesus.

This Sunday—Communion

This Sunday’s sermon: “We’re Free—but Sometimes God Pushes.” Yes, freedom is what this is all about. We are free, but never alone. God is with us at every moment. God sees our every move and knows our every thought. And sometimes—God breaks in.

This is what a lot of Christians do not know: God does stuff! God meddles. God intervenes. That’s what I will be talking about.

We will gather at the Lord’s Table this Sunday.

NDE Class

There is a hell. There has to be. Everybody must go somewhere when they die, and all are not ready for heaven. Some people don’t even want heaven, and they surely do not want God. So, says my sister, this week in the NDE class, we will look at “Hell and Other Bad Environs.”

Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

This is “Winston Week.” Feel free to help.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.


I am happiest when I am singing. I feel closest to God when I am singing.

You know what’s going to happen some Sunday soon? We are going to spend the whole worship hour singing—just singing—with a little talk in between.

I long to sing with you Sunday.

See you in church. Do come—if you can.

God Bless—MB

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