Neither Left nor Right

The truth is neither on the far right nor the far left.

Far-right Christians believe in a God who does bad things (orders the killing of the Amalekites).

Far-left Christians believe in a God who doesn’t do anything. They think God never intervenes in our lives, doesn’t know us, and doesn’t care about us.

Let me challenge the left-leaners today. From Rosemary Thornton:

I was 22, driving on a dark road in light rain. The rain and the fog made visibility poor.

I wasn’t going very fast, but I heard a voice clearly demand that I stop the car. I ignored it at first.

But the second time, the voice was yelling. It said, “Stop the car NOW.”

I didn’t know what was happening, but I slammed on the brakes. The car stopped immediately. I put it in park and exited the vehicle.

Two feet in front of the car stood a tiny toddler.

He was wearing nothing but a diaper and looking very frightened. I wrapped him in my arms and moved to the side of the road in the rain.

In less than 60 seconds, a woman came running out of a nearby house, crying and screaming. She had fallen asleep on the couch and awoke to find her baby gone.

I know hundreds of stories much like this one.

We could find thousands.

They are too numerous to dismiss.

And they tell us of a God who cares about us and knows every move we make.

An impersonal God who does nothing is no more real than the mean God of conservatism.

Neither the religious left nor right is willing to face reality: God is all-loving. And God works personally in our lives.

Just as Jesus said.

Max’s Corner

Last Sunday

Labor Day Weekend.

Sixty-one present—with eight of those being children. How wonderful!

Shannon sang a lovely solo, and Blake played a great version of “How Great Thou Art” for the offering. (Kristi was out for one Sunday.) It was so lovely that I listened to that part of the service again on the recording. It made me feel like I was in an old-time revival meeting. Yes, I am old. I like that feeling.

I talked about God sometimes pushing us, sometimes pulling us in God’s direction. We do have freedom, but God does intervene in our lives.

We are free—but not alone. And God has a will for how we live our lives.

This Sunday

Mary may be preaching this Sunday. (Not absolutely sure of that.) And summer is over. Not officially, but after Labor Day, we feel like it is.

Choir practice resumes a week from Sunday at 9:30 a.m. We will have some new members. (Hope we haven’t lost any old ones.)

NDE Class

Attendance has held up remarkably well. The class will run for two or three more weeks. It has been a time of spiritual growth and insight into the workings of God. This Sunday: “Salvation.”

Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

No one is signed up to bring it. That means this is a “We-Bring Sunday.” It’s up to us eaters.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

Y’all Come!

No more fiddlin’ and piddlin’ around.

Vacations are over. Lazy days are gone.

It’s back to church—and joy and love and praying together. See you—in church—Sunday.

God Bless,

Yes—keep our sick folk in your prayers.

When people we love are sick, we are also hurting.

Mary’s Corner

Fall has arrived! At least the fall we know in Texas: rain, humidity that is not quite as bad as summer, and cooler mornings. This is my favorite time of the year. It is raining as I write these comments, making it very hard for me to concentrate. I would rather sit on the porch listening to the raindrops hitting the earth. I spent a wonderful weekend with my family over Labor Day, eating really good food and enjoying each other’s company.

September will be a very busy month. At the end of the month, there is a Convening Conference for the Central, North Texas, and West Texas conferences of the UMC. These three conferences have joined together and will now be known as the Horizon Texas Conference. The name is packed with symbolism and hope, and I am excited that our Central Texas Conference will be part of the healing process of the UMC through relationships with all of the northern portions of Texas. The conference is truly a picture of the “horizon” as you consider that our geographical expanse stretches from East Texas to the border with New Mexico. Please begin to pray for this event, September 26-28.

Please continue to pray diligently for Bill and Linda Parker. Bill remains very ill, and Linda has rarely left his side. There are several specialists on the case, seeking answers and designing treatment therapies to help in the healing process. Bill and Linda are strong in their love for each other and in their faith. Your prayers for them are greatly appreciated, as are all the prayers you lift to God for each other. Intercessory prayer is one of our greatest responsibilities as followers of The Way. Intercessory prayer is powerful in both the life of the one being prayed over and the one voicing the prayers. Continue this sacred act for Bill and Linda and all of our congregation.

Faith Community Nursing at Texas Health Resources will have a Fall Flu Vaccine Clinic at St. Matthew on Sunday, October 13th, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. We will have regular flu vaccines but will not have access to the senior dose of the vaccine. The regular vaccine is identical to the senior dose in every way except dosing. The senior vaccine is a double dose, designed to quickly and powerfully stimulate the immune system. The regular dose just takes a few more days to be at full strength. Anyone 9 years old and older may receive the vaccine.

Blessings to all,

Kids’ News

We’re starting a new study with the kids—”God Creates the Earth.” God’s first masterpiece is the Earth, and it’s far from simple or insignificant. Creating it took time and intention. For several days, God carefully crafted the world, making it better and better each day. You can almost sense a rhythm as the story unfolds. God’s creation wasn’t a one-time event but a process, with each day building on the work of the previous one. And most importantly, God took pride in His work, as the story reminds us, “God saw how good it was.”

God’s creativity is an inspiration to us all, reminding us that we can keep creating and that our creativity is always seen as good. There’s so much more to learn about God’s creation, and we can’t wait to explore it together. See you in church on Sunday!
