Max’s Corner

Last Sunday

Labor Day Weekend.

Sixty-one present—with eight of those being children. How wonderful!

Shannon sang a lovely solo, and Blake played a great version of “How Great Thou Art” for the offering. (Kristi was out for one Sunday.) It was so lovely that I listened to that part of the service again on the recording. It made me feel like I was in an old-time revival meeting. Yes, I am old. I like that feeling.

I talked about God sometimes pushing us, sometimes pulling us in God’s direction. We do have freedom, but God does intervene in our lives.

We are free—but not alone. And God has a will for how we live our lives.

This Sunday

Mary may be preaching this Sunday. (Not absolutely sure of that.) And summer is over. Not officially, but after Labor Day, we feel like it is.

Choir practice resumes a week from Sunday at 9:30 a.m. We will have some new members. (Hope we haven’t lost any old ones.)

NDE Class

Attendance has held up remarkably well. The class will run for two or three more weeks. It has been a time of spiritual growth and insight into the workings of God. This Sunday: “Salvation.”

Class at 9:45—followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

No one is signed up to bring it. That means this is a “We-Bring Sunday.” It’s up to us eaters.

Food and fellowship at 10:30.

Y’all Come!

No more fiddlin’ and piddlin’ around.

Vacations are over. Lazy days are gone.

It’s back to church—and joy and love and praying together. See you—in church—Sunday.

God Bless,

Yes—keep our sick folk in your prayers.

When people we love are sick, we are also hurting.

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