Neither Left nor Right

The truth is neither on the far right nor the far left.

Far-right Christians believe in a God who does bad things (orders the killing of the Amalekites).

Far-left Christians believe in a God who doesn’t do anything. They think God never intervenes in our lives, doesn’t know us, and doesn’t care about us.

Let me challenge the left-leaners today. From Rosemary Thornton:

I was 22, driving on a dark road in light rain. The rain and the fog made visibility poor.

I wasn’t going very fast, but I heard a voice clearly demand that I stop the car. I ignored it at first.

But the second time, the voice was yelling. It said, “Stop the car NOW.”

I didn’t know what was happening, but I slammed on the brakes. The car stopped immediately. I put it in park and exited the vehicle.

Two feet in front of the car stood a tiny toddler.

He was wearing nothing but a diaper and looking very frightened. I wrapped him in my arms and moved to the side of the road in the rain.

In less than 60 seconds, a woman came running out of a nearby house, crying and screaming. She had fallen asleep on the couch and awoke to find her baby gone.

I know hundreds of stories much like this one.

We could find thousands.

They are too numerous to dismiss.

And they tell us of a God who cares about us and knows every move we make.

An impersonal God who does nothing is no more real than the mean God of conservatism.

Neither the religious left nor right is willing to face reality: God is all-loving. And God works personally in our lives.

Just as Jesus said.

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