Mary’s Corner

Greetings to you, the beloved of Christ,

I pray that you were able to spend some time outside this morning enjoying the beautiful 57° weather. Fall is my favorite time of the year—cooler temperatures and sweaters. I know everyone has their favorite season, except maybe summer in Texas, with its 100+ heat and oppressive humidity.

It was wonderful to be in church with you yesterday morning. Wonderful to hear your voices as you sang those old hymns, praising God and worshipping together. I am thankful for all of you who spoke to me after church about becoming prayer warriors. Many of you expressed a willingness to pray for others and to intercede “with groanings that only the Holy Spirit can understand.” Prayer is a vital part of any ministry and our congregation, as we lift each other up. It’s also important to pray without ceasing for that person in the mirror. Talking to God is the best way I know to bring peace and comfort to your own heart. It’s also the best way I know to keep yourself out of trouble! Ha ha!

I just left Bill Parker’s hospital room. This afternoon, he is surrounded by his loving wife and his amazing sons. Bill is awake and talking to them, but he told me that this morning, he had a dream about heaven. I don’t have to tell you how much Bill loves his wife, his children, and his grandchildren. The one thing he wanted me to make sure everyone knows is how much he loves our church. Bill is an important part of many of our lives, and we are blessed to call him our friend. But I also don’t need to remind you that Bill is very sick, and your prayers are so important to him right now.

I will be attending the Eastside Ministries board meeting on Friday, September 13th, at noon, standing in for Bill Parker. While I can attend this time, I may not be able to get the day off for future meetings. We are still looking for someone who can volunteer to sit on the board of Eastside Ministries as a representative of Saint Matthew United Methodist Church. The food, clothing, and counseling provided by Eastside Ministries to the 76105, 76103, and 76119 zip codes are vital to the survival of the people in these neighborhoods. Eastside Ministries has struggled since COVID, as many of us have, but now is not the time to let our generosity and efforts lag. People need help more than ever—with groceries, clothing for their children, and with occupational, financial, and mental health counseling.

I am putting together a list of items we will need to assist in the Under the Bridge Ministry. The ladies’ group has volunteered to get us started by packing bags with snacks and hygiene products. I am grateful to all of you who are so generous with your time and talents. As I said yesterday, we can’t save the whole world, but we can do our part in our own neighborhood to be the hands and feet of the risen Christ.

My love to all of you,

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