Max’s Corner

Choir Practice—Sunday at 9:30

You know what that means.
Summer is definitely over—done with, gone.
Our choir won’t sing this Sunday, but very soon, they will. We already have at least two new members, and we could use more.
If you can sing, think about joining us!

NDE Class

There are four more NDE classes, but studies will continue at the same time every week.
This class has brought encouragement about our deceased loved ones. It has pushed us toward the certainty that God is real and shown us that God is always loving, always forgiving, and never angry at us.
Class is at 9:45, followed by breakfast.

Speaking of Breakfast

We continue to have a great breakfast every week. Come early for church and enjoy it. This is a “Winston Week,” and feel free to help if you’d like!
Food and fellowship at 10:30.

This Sunday

Last Sunday, Mary laid out a wonderful agenda of loving service for this church. Look for ways to bless others, for we are blessed.

Now, this Sunday, I have a problem. There are so many things I want to preach about that it’s hard to decide what comes next! I’ve decided to go with this: The Two Witnesses.
We have two absolutely reliable sources of information about God. I’ll begin my sermon by asking if you know what those two are.

I hope to see you Sunday. Don’t make me come to your house to find you! And I’m not looking for you on the golf course. You come see me—at the Lord’s house.

God Bless,

Yes—keep our sick loved ones in your prayers.
When people we love are sick, we hurt too.

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